
McGlew & Tuttle has specialized in Patent law for over 60 years and has secured thousands of patents for our global Clients.

Filing a patent provides legal protection for an inventor’s unique and novel designs or inventions, giving the inventor exclusive rights to use, sell, or license the invention for a limited period of time. This can prevent others from using or selling the invention without permission, allowing the inventor to potentially profit from their creation. Additionally, obtaining a patent can enhance the value of a business and provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace by preventing others from copying the invention.

Patent Prosecution:

McGlew & Tuttle prides ourselves on our exceptional team of patent prosecutors who possess both technical and legal expertise. Our attorneys possess a broad array of technical expertise and industry experience which allows them to quickly master the complexities of whatever technologies are at issue for your business. We utilize this insight to approach our clients’ matters strategically, working as partners to achieve successful outcomes. With a deep understanding of the patent process and our clients’ industries, we provide high-quality services that are tailored to meet their specific needs. If you’re looking for a team of skilled and experienced patent prosecutors, look no further than McGlew & Tuttle.

Foreign Filing and PCT:

Your Foreign Priority is our Priority 

McGlew and Tuttle specialize in foreign filings and PCT applications

 The Patent Cooperation Treaty is a system that allows inventors to file a single international patent application and seek protection in multiple countries. It provides advantages such as delaying the cost of filing in multiple countries and obtaining a preliminary search and examination of the application. The USPTO is one of the participating offices in the PCT system and serves as a receiving office for international patent applications filed by U.S. residents or companies.

We have a team of experienced patent attorneys who specialize in PCT applications. Our attorneys have a deep understanding of the PCT process and are well-versed in the laws and procedures of multiple countries. McGlew & Tuttles provides expert guidance throughout the entire PCT process.

McGlew & Tuttle specializes in assisting international clients through the US Patent system.

File a PCT or Foreign filing application with us.

Strategic Patent Counseling:

Our attorneys routinely render comprehensive legal opinions regarding patent validity, infringement, enforceability, design-around possibilities, pre-litigation strategies, and a vast array of other intellectual property issues.

PTAB Trials:

U.S. Patent Office Trials

McGlew & Tuttle is a law firm with extensive experience in USPTO post-grant proceedings, including patent interferences and ex parte and inter-partes reexamination. They have a team of specialists who have successfully advocated clients’ interests across various technologies in the USPTO, district courts, and the Federal Circuit. With the America Invents Act, new inter partes proceedings will be added to the U.S. system of post-grant patent review, which will be adversarial and often require testimony, cross-examination of witnesses and experts, and a complex motions and discovery practice.

Inter partes review and post-grant review will provide a less costly and parallel administrative path for challenging patent validity, which can effectively delay or avoid litigation, resolve or settle the dispute, and eliminate liability for past damages. McGlew & Tuttle’s USPTO Patent Trials litigators are qualified to counsel clients on the strategic uses of the new USPTO proceedings, including consideration of settlement and arbitration of disputes, based on decades of inter-partes experience. They can also provide guidance on ex parte reexamination and supplemental examination for patent owners to strengthen their patents against prior art and counter charges of inequitable conduct.


McGlew & Tuttle is experienced in trial and appellate litigation in federal courts, including the U.S. District Courts, U.S. International Trade Commission, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Administrative Courts. They have a diverse client base and manage litigation for clients internationally to protect their intellectual property rights. McGlew & Tuttle’s attorneys are experienced in patent and trademark proceedings and can create winning strategies for even the most complex cases. They are committed to focusing on their clients’ business objectives and pursuing alternative dispute resolution when necessary.